Fighting Peripheral Neuropathy With Exercise

Fighting Peripheral Neuropathy With Exercise

Whether caused by diabetes, chemotherapy, or other complications, peripheral neuropathy can cause symptoms that may make one question whether he or she should be engaging in exercise of any type. Nerve pain and numbness seem to be pretty significant signs that you shouldn’t be moving, but this is often untrue. For many with neuropathy, adding a smart exercise program to their treatment plan has shown evidence of improving their symptoms. older gentleman yoga

The key is selecting the correct type of exercise. While high-impact exercises such as running can present risk to a patient’s comfort and safety, low-impact exercises such as swimming, yoga, and tai chi can provide a benefit. These forms of exercise have the potential to safely build up new blood vessels to improve circulation in much-needed areas of the feet affected by neuropathy.

A proper exercise plan for peripheral neuropathy will begin depending on one’s current fitness level. Many haven’t really had any set routine for some time, and that’s perfectly OK. It’s all about starting slowly at an easy level and gradually building up your exercise time over the course of weeks. Getting up to five sessions of about 30 minutes per week is a general goal for many people, and patience toward reaching it will be rewarded.

Before beginning any form of new exercise, however, anyone who suffers from peripheral neuropathy should always make sure to consult with a doctor of podiatric medicine to ensure the they have a workout plan that is best and safest for them. Foot specialists here at Ottawa Foot Practice provide help treating the pain of peripheral neuropathy and building plans to keep patients active and comfortable. Schedule an appointment with us at Ottawa Foot Practice by calling (613) 595-9700 or filling out our online form.

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